Professional Foot and Limb Care for all
We’ve built a long standing relationship with our community, based wholly on trust. My experience in Podiatry is to be used to help you .

Our Patients’ health is of the utmost importance to our team.
The staff and Podiatrists at Feet Excellence Limited are tremendously proud of the impact that we have made in helping the people in our community by providing quality and affordable foot and lower limb care.
We are confident that our Podiatrist’s unique experiences will absolutely be an asset to your health.
Our Services
Routine Foot Care
Nails (Simple nail cutting & trimming)
Nails (Thickened & Fungal)
Ingrowing Toe Nails
Corns, Callus, Verrucae
Bunions and Painful toes
Nail Surgery
Ingrowing toe nails
Conservative Care
Nail Surgery (Partial and Total Nail Removal)
Cosmetic Nail Reconstruction
Wound Care
Emergency care for breaks in skin
Wound Assessment
Management of infection
Referrals to other Services
Gait Analysis
Biomechanical Assessment
Treatment of foot pain and injury
Sport Injury Assessments
Referrals to other Health Services
Insoles & Palliative Devices
Off the Shelf Insoles
Customised Insoles
Cast Devices
Specialist Devices
Diabetic foot walkers
Kerrapod Footwear for wounds
Specialist Footwear advice and Suppliers
Private Prescriptions
Pain Relief and Management
Management of Inflammation
Specialist Assessments
Infection & cellulitis
Acute & Chronic wound conditions
Arthritis & Musculoskeletal conditions of the lower limb
Clinical Services
Emergency Consultations
Home Visits
Treatments, Prescriptions, Referrals & Advice
Biomechanic Assessments – feet which may benefit from insole therapy Nails that have been cut too short by self care Before …. After …. Before …. After …. After removal of hard skin